Men’s Ministries / Women’s Ministries / Adult Groups
RightNow Media GIFT We have paid for a subscription for every member of Solid Rock. We will begin our first community spiritual support care group using the 4-week study, “Overcoming Anxiety During COVID-19”!
Click the image above to check out the video course preview!
Women’s Ministry Meets the 3rd Sunday of every month following services.
A light lunch is followed by planning how the women of Solid Rock can best serve our community.
Solid Rock Women Events:
Adult Groups
Sermon Discussion Group meets every Wed at 7:00 pm at Solid Rock Assembly to dig a little deeper into the key text of Sunday’s message.
Seekers: A Group that meets monthly on a Sunday afternoon in the home of a Solid Rock family. The goal of this group is to find answers to your spiritual questions.
Taney Village Seniors: A monthly worship service conducted at Taney Village Apartments in Frederick. Friends and families are encouraged to join us as we take the Church to those unable to travel.